Attractions around Vatican City
Explore 20 attractions, restaurants, shops around Vatican City
5.0 (41615)
St. Peter's Basilica
Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Vatican City Italy
Arguably one of the finest Cathedrals in the entire world, St. Peter's is the spiritual center of the Vatican and the product of many of Italy's great Renaissance's architects, among them Bramante, Raphael and Michelangelo.
4.5 (40994)
Vatican Museums
Viale Vaticano, 00120 Vatican City Italy
With more than five miles of corridors, this vast complex of museums chronicles the history and accomplishments of mankind over the last 2000 years, featuring classic masterpieces such as Rodin's "Thinker" and the Sistine Chapel.
4.5 (20338)
Sistine Chapel
Viale Vaticano, 00165 Vatican City Italy
Probably the most famous chapel in the world because of its incredible artwork, notably "The Last Judgment," Michelangelo's stunning fresco covering 10,000 square feet of the ceiling and wall.
4.5 (8987)
St. Peter's Square
Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Vatican City Italy
This grand and magnificent square has retained its classical beauty and serves as the place from which the masses receive the Pope's weekly blessing.
4.5 (7335)
Vatican City
Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Vatican City Italy
The world's smallest state, center of Catholicism, and home to the Pope.
5.0 (4620)
La Pieta
Chapel of the Pieta Basilica Di San Pietro, Vatican City Italy
The most beautiful work inside St. Peter's Cathedral is Michelangelo's famous La Pietà, considered by many to be the most moving piece of sculpture ever created.
5.0 (3405)
Cupola di San Pietro
Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Vatican City Italy
5.0 (1249)
Stanze di Raffaello
Viale Vaticano, Vatican City Italy
4.5 (1170)
Vatican Gardens
Viale Vaticano presso Musei Vaticani, 00120 Vatican City Italy
4.5 (1087)
Baldacchino di San Pietro, di Bernini
Basilica di San Pietro Piazza di San Pietro, Vatican City Italy
4.5 (888)
Vatican Necropolis
Piazza San Pietro Beneath St. Peter’s Basilica, 00120 Vatican City Italy
When Pius XII ordered a thorough excavation of the area under the High Altar in St. Peter's Basilica, twisting stone passages were found leading to an ancient Roman necropolis, which contained chambers 10- to 15-feet wide with preserved frescoes and mosaics.
4.0 (837)
Sphere within a Sphere
Pine Cone Courtyard Vatican Museums, 00120 Vatican City Italy
4.5 (610)
Porta Santa
Via Boccea, 691B, Vatican City Italy
The Porta Santa, or Holy Door, was only opened by the Pope for Holy Year celebrations and closed at the end of 2000, and will remain sealed until 2025.
4.5 (555)
Basilica Papale di San Pietro
Piazza San Pietro, 00200 Vatican City Italy
4.5 (495)
Tomba di Giovanni Paolo II
Piazza San Pietro St. Peter's Basilica, 00120 Vatican City Italy